Know Thy Self (and know others).

For me, being an INTP is all about understanding myself, the world, and why people do what they do.

Discovering my type has made a huge difference in how I interact with the world and how I understand myself. It has been life-altering, giving me crucial insights into my strengths and weaknesses, and has shown me why I have so often felt like an observer in my own life.

Understanding my own behaviours and mental processes and how these align (or don't align) with societal expectations of typical female behaviour, etc. has had a huge impact on my mental and spiritual health. Knowing I'm not alone in this has also given me the self-confidence to just be who I am (with, of course, a continued eye to self-improvement and maturation). It has given me tools for interpreting my own reactions and responses and processing habits, but also helps me to interpret other people's behaviours and motivations more successfully.

Being INTP explains so much of how I function. It explains my deep, but (usually) fleeting infatuations/passions. It explains the ebbs and flows in my spiritual life. It explains why most of the time I find the journey of learning more interesting than the destination. It explains why I find projects easy to start but hard to finish.

Type is not an excuse for poor behaviours or bad habits, e.g. "I'm an INTP, so of course I procrastinate, etc. I can't help it, it's my type."

It does, however, explain why some people are more prone to have certain weaknesses or strengths.

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