Sunday, February 16, 2014

The problem of isms

"When the gospel is reduced to a catalog of isms where I choose the one most attractive and comfortable for me, I can participate extensively in Christianity without much personal sacrifice, and with my self, unchallenged, at the center of it all."

Examples: Formalism, Legalism, Mysticism, Activism, Biblicism, "Pyschologyism," "Socialism"

"These isms also appeal to our environmentalism. We tend to believe that the sin that surrounds us is more dangerous than the sin that resides inside us. This is why it is hard for a husband to understand that he can't blame his coldness on his wife, more can the wife blame her bitterness on her husband, more can their child blame his rebellion on his parents' failures."

How People Change Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp

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